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From Ashes To Beauty(Dec'19)

Going into the new year DGIM set the atmosphere proclaiming they would receive the beauty for the ashes they would leave behind in 2019. Gail Killiebrew, Ebony Anderson and DeAndria Stallings starred in DGIM 1st skit as they told the stories of 3 different women. Each woman told a story of how God had taken them from standing in a pile of ashes to seeing the beauty of a brighter tomorrow.

Our founder Raven Adams closed out the afternoon telling the story of Joseph and how he went from being thrown in a pit, years of being a slave to becoming 2nd in command to the Pharaoh. His story was a true testament of how God can give you beauty for your ashes.

Each woman went home with a prayer jar to fill up with prayers for the new year ahead and more.

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